Lions Club of Chennai Madhavaram Truck Terminal (MTT), organized a meeting at Hotel Vijaya Park, Madhavaram Chennai on July 02, 2023. The meeting was to provide induction to newly joined Lions Club members and appointment of new president. MOHAN Foundation was provided an opportunity to put up an information desk during this occasion.
Mr. Ganesh C, Marketing Coordinator put up an information desk at prime spot in the hotel with maximum visibility, he then distributed the information pamphlets and pinned green ribbons to all the participants. 79 members participated and 11 picked up donor card and pledged as organ donors.
MOHAN Foundation extends its warm gratitude towards Ln J. Paraneetharan, Zone Chairperson, and the other Lion’s Club members for the wonderful opportunity and hospitality.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad