Information desk at Book Publication Ceremony “Buddhism & Organ, Body donation”.

Updated on Sunday, May 5, 2024
  • On April 14,2024 MOHAN Foundation was invited to set up an information desk on occasion of a book publication ceremony written by Dr. Sushil Meshram named Buddhism and  Body, Organ donation in Marathi language.

    Dr. Raj Gajbhiye, Dean GMCH was invited as a chief guest, but could not attend the program. Dr. Yashwant Manohar, a Buddhist Philosopher, Dr. B.G. Waghmare, former.
    Dean GMCH, & founder president of ZTCC-Nagpur, Dr. Arun Kasote, HOD Anatomy dept. GMCH, Dr. Anup Marar, Dir. Datta Meghe Medical College, Wardha, were prominently present on this occasion.

    Dr. Yashwant Manohar explained the importance of ‘Daan’ in Buddhism with its historical background. Every religion supports whole Body & Organ donation. Dr. B.G. Waghmare suggested to have more books available in this Medico-Social subject, with humanitarian approach.

    Dr. Arun Kasote said, I hope this book will bring the change in society, that every death body will go for ‘Body donation’ instead of burn or burry.
    Nearby 200 people attended this event. Bhagyashree & Veena distributed Dehadaan forms & Organ donation pledge forms. MOHAN Foundation thanks Dr. Sushil Meshram.

    Source-Veena Wathore
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