Human Rights Organisation celebrates Independence Day with a talk on Organ Donation

Updated on Monday, August 18, 2014
  • MOHAN Foundation was invited to give a talk on Organ Donation by All India Human Law Rights Organization, Avadi  on 15th August 2014.

    The session was addressed by Ms. Kavitha, Marketing coordinator, and coordinated by Ms. Sophiya MOHAN Foundation, Chennai. There were a total of 100 participants and she started off by asking them general questions regarding the topic of Organ Donation. After their interest was generated she covered the following topics:

    • Concept of brain death
    • Who  can donate organs
    • What organs  can be donated
    • Whom to contact to donate eyes


    And also in her talk she shared a true story of donation that happened in RGGGH which touched everyone’s heart and made them support for this noble cause. The session ended with a few questions and these were answered satisfactorily.

    Where is the State CTP office?

    How will Mohan Foundation know that there is a death and the family wishes to donate?


    Most of the participants picked up the donor card, about 100 donor cards and brochures were distributed

    Source-Sophiya F.
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