On 2nd May 2018, MOHAN Foundation was invited for an awareness program on Organ Donation at Gandhi Park, Warora, Chandrapur District. Mr. Bulu Behera represented MOHAN Foundation. Youth Group of Warora organized this session at 10 A.M.
Mr. Amol Dukare, a member of the Youth Group of Warora passed away on 24 April 2018. He was going to get married on 2nd May 2018 & he had planned an Organ Donation Camp during marriage ceremony. But unfortunately he left us. The Youth group had decided to fulfill his wish partially and organized an Organ Donation camp in the same date. Approximately 60 peoples attended the awareness program held in the Gandhi Park Warora.
Mr.Bulu Behera explained about organ donation, when & how to donate organs and importance of Organ Donation to the people. This was followed by talk on the Concept of Brain death was explained with the help of presentations & films. All the Youth Volunteers who attended this session signed the consent form and pledged to donate organs.
At the end of the session people asked their doubts about kidney donation and their questions were answered by Mr. Bulu Behera. 60 people pledge their organs and picked donor cards. The session ended with the group photo. We thank Mr. Rupesh Ghagi Youth group president for this kind gesture to honour the wish of a member of the group.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad