On 15th December 2022, Ms. Rashmi was invited by Ms. Manisha- HR of Cloudnine Hospital to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for staff of Cloudnine Hospital at Malad. Close to 12 nursing and admin staff attended this talk. Ms. Manisha started the session by introducing Ms. Rashmi. She then handed over the session to Ms. Rashmi to speak about organ donation.
Ms. Rashmi discussed about Organ donation and its need, Status of organ donation in India, Organs that can be donated during life and after death, Cornea donation, Brain death, Causes of brain death, Difference between brain death and coma, Myths and Facts, Donor Card and how to pledge to become an organ donor. The talk motivated participants to support the cause of organ donation.
Certain questions asked by them were as follows:
We thank Ms. Manisha for organizing this session and inviting us.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad