Mr. Subash Chandra Sarangi, Organ Donation Ambassador conducted an awareness program on at 7th June, 2024 at the Postal training Centre Vadodara. It was organized by Direct Trainer - Skill. The audience was students of the postal training centre.
During this session he spoke on the concepts of organ donation – what, when, how and when organs and tissues can be donated. He explained brain death, causes and testing. How it is very different from coma. A video explaining brain stem death was screened to ensure that the participants have greater clarity on its concepts. He listed the myths and facts on organ donation and how people can register for donation.
Around 16 trainees attended the session and it was an interactive session. The participants clarified their doubts and had a positive response on organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad