Mr. Subash Chandra Sarangi, Organ Donation Ambassador conducted an awareness program on at 11th May 2024. He conducted the session for faculty and staff of Patel Smarak Inter College (PSIC), Jattari, Uttar Pradesh. It was for trainee managers of various government training academy.
Mr. Subash Chandra Sarangi began the session with the Concept of Organ Donation. He explained why, what, when and how organ donation can be done. He touched upon the reasons why people fear organ donation and gave a list of myths with their facts. He explained what is brain death and its importance in organ donation.
A video explaining brain stem death was screened to ensure that the participants have greater clarity on its concepts.
Over all the session was very interactive where participants clarified their doubts contributed to the discussions asked many questions. More than 40 trainees attended the session.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad