On March 8, 2018, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct a talk on organ donation during an event organised by Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital on the occasion of World Kidney day. It was attended by hospital's kidney dialysis patients and their families, nursing interns, quality and admin staff of the hospital.
Dr. Q. Hasnain, Senior Consultant & HOD Nephrology, Yashoda Hospital gave a presentation on Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patient Education where he explained the causes of CKD, its signs and symptoms, management and dietary recommendation.
Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi highlighted the importance of a national movement for organ donation to prevent thousands of people from dying due to lack of kidneys, hearts, livers and other tissues. She informed them that dialysis was not a long term option and kidney transplantation was the best-outcome option for kidney failure. For this to happen the act of organ donation was a live-saving initiative.
She then, explained the basic concepts of organ donation and transplantation, cornea donation, brain death, cardiac death & tissue donation and common myths on organ donation and their corresponding reality check.
Close to 40 participants attended the session. 11 participants picked up Form no 7 (Organ & Tissue Pledging Form, THO & Tissues Act 1994).
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad