MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness program on Organ Donation on 8th August 2019 at HPCL Mittal Energy Limited Township, Bathinda, Punjab.
Mr. Sudhir Dewan was the Guest of Honour. Mr. Hardeep Singh, Asst. Manager-CSR gave a warm welcome to everyone by lamp lightning ceremony. Participants from various states of India attended the workshop. Over 250 participants attended the workshop.
Mr. Sudhir Dewan addressed the audience telling them how important is Organ Donation and it provides a great opportunity in everyone’s life to go ahead and pledge to donate their organs can save lives.
Ms. Neha Sharma gave the status of organ donation in India also about people who die waiting for organ transplant every day. When is organ transplant needed and what is organ donation. She explained about the living donations and deceased donation and which organ can be donated after death.
Audience were pleased and appreciated MOHAN Foundation work on Organ Donation in India and the increased donation in the Chandigarh tricity.
The entire audience got motivated and convinced to support Organ Donation. Everyone expressed their wish to signing up for donor cards and they will support organ donation movement in a big way. Audience did applaud in the end for the efforts taken by MOHAN Foundation.
It was a great workshop and the audience assured to come forward to engage by motivating others.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad