On 17th August 2017, MOHAN Foundation conducted awareness for students and teachers of Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Management College, CBD Belapur, in association with The Association for Senior Citizens, CBD Belapur
Mrs.Jaya Jairam from MOHAN Foundation’s Mumbai office conducted the awareness talks for around 100 students and teachers at Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Management College at CND Belapur (Navi Mumbai).
Mrs. Jaya Jairam introduced MOHAN Foundation, its vision and activities. She then spoke about what organ donation is, different types of donors, what is brain death and natural death, difference between coma and brain death, which organs and tissues can be donated and when. She also discussed the various myths and facts and the barriers in the society with respect to organ donation.
The audience raised a few queries, all of which were answered. Many of them took the Pledge to donate their organs.
MOHAN Foundation is grateful to the Director of BVP Management College and wishes to convey its sincere gratitude to Colonel D.P.Singh, Chairman of The Association for Senior Citizens, CBD Belapur for their continued support to the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad