Awareness Session on Organ Donation conducted for the Nephrology Team at Gandhi Hospital, Hyderabad

Updated on Thursday, December 1, 2022
  • On 28th November 2022, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session for the Nephrology Department on Grief Counselling the family for Organ Donation. Dr Bhanu Prakash was the key resource.

    Dr. Bhanu Prakash started the session by giving an introductory speech on Organ Donation and gave a detailed insight into the family’s state of mind at their moment of grief. He later elucidated the role of MOHAN Foundation in counselling donor families for a lifesaving organ.

    He also motivated the staff of Nephrology Department to pledge for Organ Donation.

    Around 80 Nursing students attended the session.

    Source-Dr. Bhanu Prakash
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