On 23rd November 2022, a group of Nursing students from Apollo Nursing College,Chittor approached MOHAN Foundation Hyderabad office to know about Organ Donation. They wanted to know about the cause and hence requested the team for an awareness session in the office located at Khairtabad,Hyderabad.The session was conducted in a span of two days for the students. Ms. Srividya.S and Dr. Bhanu Prakash were the key resource
Dr. Bhanu Prakash introduced MOHAN Foundation to the participants and kept them engaged throughout the session. He explained the following concepts
Ms. Srividya.S encouraged the students to pledge for Organ Donation and spoke about the future of Organ Donation.The Nursing students actively participated in the session and asked several queries
Close to 100 students were sensitised
Donor cards and brochures were distributed at the end of the session.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad