Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Apollo Hospital's PICU Unit

Updated on Sunday, September 29, 2024
  • On September 24, 2024, the MOHAN Foundation conducted an informative awareness session on organ donation at the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Apollo Hospital. The session aimed to educate and engage the medical staff about the critical importance of organ donation and its processes. Thirteen dedicated staff members from the PICU attended, reflecting their commitment to this vital issue.

    The session was led by Ms. Shubhranjini, the charge sister of the PICU unit, who highlighted the essential role that nursing staff play in promoting organ donation. Ms. Prarthana, a Public Education Counsellor from the MOHAN Foundation, delivered a comprehensive presentation that differentiated between brainstem death and cardiac death, addressing both the medical and ethical dimensions of organ donation.

    Throughout the session, Ms. Prarthana encouraged an interactive dialogue, responding to various questions from the attendees. Key inquiries included the specific tests conducted for certifying brainstem death and the processes through which the Zonal Transplant Coordination Committee (ZTCC) allocates and distributes organs to patients.

    Ms. Prarthana provided clear and thorough answers, dispelling any misconceptions and emphasizing the importance of informed consent in the organ donation process.

    At the conclusion of the session, Ms. Shubhranjini expressed her sincere gratitude to the MOHAN Foundation for organizing this valuable educational opportunity. She underscored the necessity of ongoing training and awareness in the medical field to foster a culture of organ donation and ultimately save lives. This session not only enhanced the staff’s understanding but also empowered them with the knowledge to advocate for organ donation within their communities.

    In total, 13 staff members participated, marking a significant step towards promoting organ donation awareness in the hospital setting.


    Source-Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi
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