Mrs. Ranjini Shankar MS, Project Manager of MOHAN Foundation coordinated with Mr. Shiva Kumar, Inspector of the Begur police station in Bengaluru to organize an awareness session on organ donation for the staff of the station on 6th August 2021.
Mrs. Ranjini began the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation, its mission and vision. She, along with Mr. Marulappa (Transplant Coordinator), proceeded to explain the following:
A recent case of donation from Dharwad where organ donation was facilitated by MOHAN Foundation team, using a green corridor was explained to the audience to highlight the role of the police. The story of Ms. Shreya Siddanagowder, a bilateral hand transplant recipient was also shared with the audience.
Around 58 members attended the session, and 55 signed up and collected donor cards and supported the organ donation cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad