MOHAN Foundation got a second chance to meet the head of Dr. Gupta & Company, a clothing manufacturers and exporters who supports the cause of organ donation. On 06th June 2018 the company invited MOHAN Foundation for an awareness session on organ donation for their staff at 3. 45 PM in their manufacturing premises at Alandur, Chennai. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer and Mr. T. S. Siva Shankar, Helpline Executive were deputed for the session.
Mr. Siva Shankar spoke to 100 tailoring staff during the session. He gave a comprehensive talk on the Concepts of Organ Donation and the need of Organ Donation in our country.
The concepts that were explained are as follows:
The session went on for half an hour out of 100 participants 5 took their donor cards. MOHAN Foundation thanks Dr. Gupta and Company for the continued support in promoting this social cause.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad