Mr. Marulappa LN organized a webinar on organ donation to educate the NCC students of grades 8, 9, 10 and the staff of the ITI Vidyamandir School of KR Puram Branch, Bengaluru. The session held on 5th September 2021 was attended by 106 people.
Mrs. Ranjini Shankar MS, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation was the speaker. She began the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation, its mission, vision; the concept of organ and tissue donation; types of death - cardiac death and brain death; brain death declaration; and procedure of deceased and living organ donation. Mrs. Ranjini then elaborated on the procedure of eye, skin, and bone donation; briefly explained the role of Jeevasarthakathe; touched upon the transplant law and the importance of a donor card. Myths and facts, and barriers to organ donation were highlighted as well.
She used certain motivational quotes to inspire the students and requested them to share the message of organ donation with their families. The students responded enthusiastically saying that they wish to be superheroes, who have donated organs and continue to live on in the future generations.
It was a highly interactive session, and the Foundation is thankful to the institution for its support.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad