A bright-eyed young woman walked into the MOHAN Foundation Chennai office on the morning of 20th September 2012. She said that her name was Meenakshi and that she was an article assistant at M. C. Ranganathan & Co, Chartered Accountants, Chennai. She said that she'd like to pledge to donate her organs. She was accompanied by her husband Mr. K. Lakshmanan who also wanted to fill out a Donor card for himself. They said that they had seen the MOHAN Foundation website, but had wanted to come in person to pick up the Donor cards.
On asking her why she had picked this particular day, she then shyly said that it was her 21st birthday and she wanted to sign a Donor card on the occasion to make it meaningful. Meenakshi added that she was a blood donor at the Railway Hospital, Perambur. She said that she was motivated by a family member who also donated blood regularly. Both Meenakshi and Lakshmanan signed Donor cards and said that they would like to spread the word on organ donation. And that there was no better day to start than Meenakshi's birthday...
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad