Take our FREE one-minute survey and share your opinion on deceased organ donation and contribute to our research.
Kindly take part in this survey on organ donation. If you believe in the cause, we request you to forward the survey or its website address to your friends. This is not only a survey but also our way of educating the public about this sensitive issue that haunts us regularly; more so when a scandal erupts in the country.
The answers of the questionnaire are designed to accept your response - just click in the response box. Submit the completed survey only once. If you encounter any problems please contact us - [email protected].
Thank you for your participation - the results will be published on www.mohanfoundation.org once we have enough responses.
Yours Sincerely,
MOHAN Foundation.
Click here to read - Why take this survey?
( Please do not take this survey more than once! )
( If you have taken the survey before and simply want to review the results, click here )
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad