Press & Media

Total Press & Media Count: 617
  • Indo-British pact for free child liver transplants

    The Times of India, Tuesday, December 2, 2003

    Afresh lease on life. That is what children suffering from irreversible liver diseases can look forward to with a collaboration between British and Indian doctors.

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    • Gift of her life after four years of agony

      The Hindu, Friday, June 20, 2003

      Medwin Hospitals has joined a select group of hospitals in the country by performing a cadaver organ kidney transplantation.

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      • Cadaver transplant gives woman a new life

        The Times of India , Thursday, June 19, 2003

        A 48-year-old housewife, suffering from kidney failure, has got a fresh lease of life when she underwent a rare cadaver organ transplantation at a private hospital here.

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        • To end kidney commerce

          The Hindu, Sunday, April 6, 2003

          the Tamil Nadu government announced a series of measures to "streamline" the implementation of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994. The vast majority of doctors, academics and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are concerned with the issue in the State, however, are of the opinion that the measures will "steam-roller rather than streamline" the implementation of the Act.

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          • High time to streamline organ transplants

            The Hindu, Friday, February 28, 2003

            When Kannambal was declared `brain dead' after a two-wheeler accident, her daughter, Chitra Bharathi, despite the suddenness and shock of the event, decided that her mother's organs be harvested, so that they could be used to give life to others. Her father, M. Chandrasekaran, a retired PWD chief

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            • Kidney patients' meet on Dec. 8

              The Hindu, Friday, December 6, 2002

              Mohan Foundation, an organisation working to encourage ethical organ transplants, will conduct its patient support group meeting for kidney failure and transplant patients on December 8 at the Sundaram Medical Foundation.

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              • Organ sale racket unearthed in Chennai

                The Hindu, Thursday, August 15, 2002

                The city police have announced that they unearthed a major racket in organ transplants following the arrest of a `broker' in Mylapore. Kidneys were being promised on payment of sums ranging between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs.75,000. A hunt is on for two more persons.

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                • Living after death

                  The Hindu, Thursday, July 25, 2002

                  Organ transplantation is an issue that must be dealt with sensitively. Orienting society to accepting the `value of life after death' will go a long way in strengthening transplantation as medical treatment. USHA RAMAN writes.

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                  • Popularising a programme

                    The Hindu, Saturday, May 11, 2002

                    ON January 21, 16-year-old Thyagarajan, who suffered ventricular haemorrhage, was declared brain dead at Apollo Hospitals in Chennai. But his organs live on in six men. Just the previous day, 26-year-old Manikandan's organs had saved the lives of five people. Recently, two-year-old Moses, upon his death, gave a fresh lease of life to three people.

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                    • Organ donation gains momentum

                      The Hindu, Tuesday, January 22, 2002

                      Over the past couple of days, two cases of organ transplantation following `brain death' have been recorded. The two donors were of different ages, came from different backgrounds, were admitted in different hospitals and their organs went to different people.

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