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Heart-Dead Donor's Liver Saves Patient's Life

May 26, 2010
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    In a rare surgery, Dr Pranjal Modi and his team from the GR Doshi and KM Mehta Institute of Kidney Diseases & Research Centre and Dr HL Trivedi Institute of Transplantation Sciences (IKDRC-ITS), have successfully transplanted a liver from a patient who had been declared heart dead.

    Kantaben Shah was the donor of the liver. Mrs Shah, 76, was admitted to the Sterling Hospital after she lost consciousness on May 3. She was suffering from diabetes and a scan revealed massive brain hemorrhage. After deciding that her chances of recovery were nil, Shah's family agreed to donate the liver.

    "Our team clearly explained to the Shah family that if Kantaben remained in hypotension, with BP less than 50 mm mercury, vital organs like kidney and liver could suffer and hence become unusable. The entire family was more than co-operative," said Modi.

    The emergency surgery to remove the liver was performed on May 5.


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