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Many Potential Organ Donations Blocked by Relatives of Deceased

December 24, 2011
  • organ_donation_new.gif
    A new study has revealed that more than 10 percent of potential organ donations are blocked as the relatives of a dead donor refuse to allow doctors to harvest the organs even though their loved ones are registered donors.

    The study was conducted by doctors from the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle who found that four in 10 families do not agree for organ donations when their loved ones are declared brain dead, but are being kept alive by machines, while many do not allow organs to be harvested even when they are aware of the patients’ wishes.

    In the report, which has been published in the British Journal of Anaesthesia, lead researcher Dr Angus Vincent said that the consent rate has seen minimal rise in recent years and added that interested donors should talk with their families first rather than sign up for organ donation.

    “Given that families ultimately authorise donation, it may be argued that such communication is even more important than registering on the Organ Donor Register, and it is clear that prior family discussion strongly predicts consent for donation from family members”, he said.

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