International Partnerships

International collaboration has become need of the time for organ donation and perhaps more apparently required in deceased organ donation than any other field. Cooperation and collaboration between organizations will mutually benefit organ donation programs from across the globe and will lead to development of models and strategies for initiating, managing, and sustaining altruistic systems of organ donation. International partnerships will enhance, and even transform, the institutions that participate in them, aiding in achieving long-term goals of donation rates sufficing the needs of patients waiting for a life-saving organ and preparing healthcare workforce in the dynamic medical arena of organ transplantation.

MOHAN Foundation is among the first not-for-profit organizations that oversees the performance of deceased organ donation across India through a national database of statistics related to deceased organ transplantations. MOHAN Foundation is fostering growth in level of organ donation in India by developing a culture of organ donation among the population to increase the number of deceased organ donations and make organs available for transplantation.

Joint Initiative by MOHAN Foundation and NHSBT:

NHS Blood and Transplant, UK, has agreed to share their expertise in increasing the number of organ donors, matching and allocating donated organs and auditing, analysing and publishing both organ donation and outcomes after transplantation and would seek the help of MOHAN Foundation in communicating and engaging better with Black Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in the UK to boost organ donation rate. Know more on MoU with NHSBT UK…


MOHAN USA, Inc. was established to help organ failure patients and their families in a variety of ways. MOHAN USA, Inc. is a non-profit organization that will promote organ donation worldwide, foster research and education in this field through partnerships, collaborations, fund-raising and raising awareness worldwide with a mission to increase awareness among South Asian community on organ donation and address the discrepancy between the demand and supply of organs, raise resources for organizations to promote education, training, promote research and provide with technology and equipment to enhance organ transplants and outcomes. The organization will also share effective strategies and interventions with all organizations across the world and network with doctors and other healthcare professionals to solve the challenges faced and elicit their support. Know more on activities of MOHAN USA…

Inspiring and encouraging deceased organ donation in SAARC Nations:

MOHAN Foundation has played a major role in kickstarting deceased organ donation in India, but still there is a long way to go. However, the precarious condition still exists in other South Asian countries. Dr. Sunil Shroff is the elected President of Nephrology, Urology and Transplantation Society of SAARC countries. MOHAN Foundation’s efforts to team up with government and non-governmental agencies has lead to training of more than 100 healthcare professionals and social workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh on formulating strategies to start a deceased organ donation program through public awareness campaigns, improving consent rates through distribution of “donor cards,” displaying banners, posters, audio-visual talks, organizing competitions to entice public to go in to the depth of subject. Know more on Training Program at Dhaka, Bangladesh…


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