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Make Your Valuable Contribution to Save Lives

MOHAN Foundation has been an "Organisation of Choice" for all stakeholders and through various initiatives, the deceased organ donation rate in two years has doubled to 0.34 per million population in 2014 from 0.16 in 2012. In a country that had almost no donations happening 15 years back, this is a significant contribution by a non-profit.

Our work is made possible through your generosity. Your contribution allows us to educate the community about organ, eye, and tissue donation. Your contribution also supports presentations to community groups, civic organizations, and other nonprofits. We gratefully accept your contribution to our efforts at creating awareness and ultimately, saving lives.

In its campaigns, the Foundation not only educates about the facts of organ donation and transplantation, it also features organ donors, their families, and transplant recipients, presenting a personal perspective to the future generations.

All the services rendered by MOHAN Foundation are free. We are guided by the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994, where no organ can be bought or sold. Hence, we do not pay anything to the organ donor families, nor receive any monetary benefit from the recipients. We survive purely on the philanthropy of the community. Recognizing the important work that we have undertaken, we have received support from philanthropically minded individuals, corporate donors, and trusts. We have a 50% tax exemption status under Section 80G and a 100% tax exemption status under Section 35AC of Income Tax Act, 1961. We are approved recipients of foreign contributions under the Foreign Contribution Regulation (FCRA) Act, 1976.

Help us fundraise by hosting an event (music event, dance show, tea party, etc) or by launching a web/social media campaign. Help us connect with a corporate to become our CSR partner or high-net-worth individual who could be our platinum donor. You will make a huge impact by making our programs sustainable and make a mark in saving lives.

It is easy, simply choose an event that suits you and inform us. We will provide all the help that you need in organising the event and keep you updated. You can join us individually or get together with your family, friends, colleagues at the office as a group.

We are sure you will feel an amazing sense of achievement when you see the impact your fundraising will have on those affected by organ failure.



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