6 th August, 2013 was marked as National Organ Donation Day. To observe this day; MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore was invited by the Government Ayurveda College (GAC), Bangalore to conduct a session on ....
MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore organized an awareness programme on organ donation at BES College, Bangalore on 26 th July, 2013. 60 students participated in the session. Ms.Vidhya Gowri, Faculty, Depar....
On 27 th July, 2013 MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore organised a talk on Organ Donation for the nuns of Adhyayana Hostel, Bangalore. Ms. Smeja Paul, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore conducted....
An awareness talk on organ donation was organised at Jones Lang Lasalle (JLL), Bangalore on 25 th July, 2013. There were 55 employees who participated in the event. Ms. Laitha and Ms. Beena, Human R....
MOHAN Foundation was invited to give an awareness talk to the staff of Mallya Hospital on 5 th June 2013. A group of 30 young medical professionals attended the talk. MOHAN Foundation’s Projec....
Ms.Smeja Paul of MOHAN Foundation, Bangalore gave a talk on organ donation to the South Indian Bank employees of Christ College Branch on 23 rd May 2013. Bank Manager Mr.Sreejil Mukund was present f....
MOHAN Foundation joined the hands with Y’s Men Club to create awareness among the members of the Club on 28 th April 2013. District conference of Bangalore District is one of the most importan....
MOHAN Foundation – Bangalore, in coordination with the Social Work Department of Oxford College of Arts and Science organized an Organ Donation Awareness Program for the students on 16 January ....
Organ Transplantation is the most preferred treatment for patients with the end-stage organ disease. There is an inadequate supply of cadaver organs in proportion to the need. In India, over two lakh....
MOHAN Foundation - Bangalore had organized an organ donation awareness talk at Rajiv Gandhi Nursing College, Bangalore on 9 th January 2013. Mr. Bino James - Project Manager of MOHAN Foundation Bang....