MOHAN Foundation was invited by the members of Girija Society, Pune, to conduct an organ donation awareness session on 13 th May ’23, for all residents. Mr. Jagdish Borude addressed t....
On 30th April 2023, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude, transplant coordinator, MOHAN foundation at Jain Social work group, Sejal World, Khed, Pune. Mr Jagdish had been....
On 18 th March 2023, organ and body donation awareness talk was given by Mr. Jagdish Borude, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation at Symbiosis Medical College for Women and Symbiosis Hospital an....
On 11th November 2022, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude, at Shantiban Old Age Home, Pune. This programme was organized by Mr. Mahesh Kulkarni from Maya Care Foundatio....
On 30th September, 2022, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude at School of Physiotherapy, Bharti Hospital, Pune. The talk was organised with the help of Dr. Ujwal Yewa....
On 25th August, 2022, Organ Donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude, at School of Physiotherapy, Bharti Hospital, Pune. Mrs. Ruchita Killedar, Assistant Professor of t....
On 30 th , May, 2022, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude, at Labour Camp, Wakad, Pune. The talk was organised with the help of Mr Rajendra Shendge, Project Manager, ....
On 10 th April 2022, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude at Laxminagar, Uruli Kanchan, Pune. The programme was organized by Mr. Amit Kanchan - President of BJP, Urul....
On 30 th March, 2022, Mr. Jagdish Borude conducted an awareness session on organ donation to the residents of Renuka Vasti, Koregaon Park, Pune. He met the residents and introduced himself and ....
On 26th February, 2022, organ donation awareness talk was conducted by Mr. Jagdish Borude at Gadage Baba Vasahat, Koregaon Park ,Pune. The session was organised with the help of Ms Tehsin, s....