On 2 nd March 2016, the Mahila Mandal of Punjab Association had their monthly meeting and invitede MOHAN Foundation for giving a talk about organ donation to their members. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde ....
On 4 th March 2016 MOHAN Foundation organized an organ donation awareness talk in Prema‘s Beauty Palour as part of the International Women’s Day Campaign. The aim of the talk is to....
On 24 th February 2016 Rishi Gurukulam conducted an Organ Donation Drive for their followers and Mr. Vishnu Konduru, IT Manager invited MOHAN Foundation to create awareness on Organ Donation. This p....
The Inner Wheel Club of Chennai Esplanade organized a fun fare “Hungama” on 27 th February 2016 at Anita Methodist School, Vepery Chennai. MOHAN Foundation was invited to set an informat....
On 20 th February 2016, Organ Donation Awareness Session and information stall was put up in St. Francis International School on “ Talent Pool Day ”. The session was conducted by Ms.Suni....
National Cadets Corps of TNGroup A, invited MOHAN Foundation to give an awareness talk on Organ Donation to their young cadets. The talk was organized at 3 (TN) Battalion NCC, Kancheepuram on 23.02.2....
The Association of the truck driver’s, Manjambakkam invited MOHAN Foundation to give Organ Donation awareness talk to their members on “TRUCKER’S DAY HEALTH MELA”, celebr....
On 04.02.2016, Barclays Shared Services Private Limited organized a session on Organ Donation for their employees and the session was facilitated by Mr.Prakash K, Transplant Coordinator MOHAN Foundat....
The Advanced Transplant Coordinators’ Workshop – 3 rd Consultative meeting was held at the Radha Regent, Chennai on 29 th & 30 th January 2016. The meeting’s focus was to exp....
On 21 st January 2016 MOHAN Foundation and TRANSTAN organised an organ donation awareness talk for the students of School Of Nursing, Madras Medical College Chennai, as a tribute to Ms. Hemalatha Tu....