To mark ‘College Graduation Day’, the SRM – Dental College, Ramapuram Chennai, organized an awareness programme on organ donation in association with MOHAN Foundation on 30 th Apri....
On 17 th April 2016 a talk on organ donation organized by Samuthaya Makkal Nalamanavar Iyakkam Sangrapuram . The president of this organisation Mr. A. Sambasivam felt that Organ Donation is ve....
At the Kidney Update 2016 meeting in Panjim, the Chief Minister Shri Laxmikant Parsekar of Goa expressed his keen desire to implement Deceased Donation and Transplantation Program in the state. He qu....
On 22nd April 2016, Tata Consultancy Services(TCS), Ambattur branch, Chennai, invited MOHAN Foundation to give a talk on Organ Donation as a part of their CSR activity of their HOPE project. The prog....
To mark ‘World Kidney Day’, Kauvery Hospital, Tiruchirappalli in association with MOHAN Foundation and Rotary Club of Tiruchirappalli Elite organized an awareness programme on 20 th Marc....
On 16 th April 2016 an awareness talk on organ donation was organized by Mrs. Vinitha Subramaniyam, leader of Self Help Group (SHG). She wanted to make her Group meet more meaningful and pass t....
Grade I police training cadets under the Chennai wing of the Police Training College were given training on the “Role of Police in Organ Donation”. 97 police cadets attended t....
On 30th March 2016, 15 young women were in for a surprise when they came in to start their duty. Along with their morning tea, Ms. Indhu the Manager of Josie‘s Beauty Palour had organized....
On 26 th March 2016, MOHAN Foundation was invited to give a talk at Women’s Voluntary Services at Chetpet, as a part of their International Women’s Day celebrations. Ms. Gieetha, Transpl....
On 23rd March 2016, 12 students of Medical Sociology (Bachelors and Masters) from the Madras Medical Mission (MMM) School of Health Sciences, Mogappair came to MOHAN Foundation for an orientation vis....