Activity Comments

Posted By : Kavya, on Saturday, February 22, 2025
Hello! Am kavya from Bangalore, First of all thanks for providing feedback section so its convenient to share our opinion, This platform is extremely amazing in health care Sector, I hv gained knowledge through the online classes Conducted by mohan foundation. Each session helped me to learn about organ transplant And grief counselling like communication skills, the way Talking to the clients and post transplant care etc, To talk about faculties they were really so good Enough explaining about the session and clearing the Doubts of the student when ever required. It is totally worth joining this course as I am Bsc RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNOLOGY student about to Finish my internship so glad that I have as completed PGDTC so that I explore a lot in this medical career in Future, I sincerely Thank each and everyone whole team of mohan foundation for providing this opportunity to join And gain knowledge regarding organ transplantation And grief counselling.
Posted By : Kavya, on Saturday, February 22, 2025
Thanks you 🙏 this platform is extremely amazing!


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