MOHAN Foundation invited to the second trilogy camp held at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Manipur

MOHAN Foundation received an invitation to participate in the second trilogy camp on Blood, Eye, and Organ Donation, held at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Manipur, on April 14, 2024. The event was jointly organized by the Association of Voluntary Blood Donors, Manipur (AVBD), and the Personality and Talent Development Organization. Laishram Monica Devi, Programme Officer, and Ms. Thoidingjam Udayini Khuman, Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation, represented the team and set up an information and pledge counter.


Mr. Kumarjit Singh, Treasurer of AVBD, coordinated the camp, while Manipur State Eye Bank (MSEB) also established an eye donation pledge counter. The frontline village volunteers, currently managing the challenging situation in Manipur, played a pivotal role as blood donors and participants of the camp. The camp was organized in conjunction with the birthday celebration of two young regular blood donors of AVBD.


During the camp, the team elucidated the fundamental concepts of organ and eye donation, explained the waiting list registry in India, delineated types of organ donation, simplified the notion of brain death, and underscored the importance of family consent in the donation process. The MOHAN Foundation team addressed several queries, and pamphlets containing Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on organ donation were distributed.


Approximately 33 participants visited the pledge counter and received detailed information. Among them, 26 pledged to donate their eyes and organs



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