MOHAN Foundation conducted Organ donation awareness session for retired bank employees at Ravi bhavan civil lines Nagpur.

On February 5, 2024, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session for Indian Bank retired and pensioners association, Nagpur on occasion of their monthly meeting held at Ravi Bhavan, Civil linesNagpur. The President Mr. Sanjay Lade has coordinated the session and welcomed Ms Veena Wathore and Ms Bhagyashree. The members were keen to know about organ & body donation. Ms VeenaWathore has introduced MOHAN Foundation to the participants. explained to them about concepts of organ donation. Ms Bhagyashree explained them about corneal donation and body donation. & its process. She also shared the necessary contact numbers of Eye banks  hospitals where Body donation is accepted. Ms Veena and Ms.Bhagyashree both solved their queries and the members were satisfiedwith the information provided.

In this session following points were explained --Difference between circulatory death and brain dead-How many lives can be saved and healed through organ donation-

Explained various myths and facts about organ donation and body donation.-

Explained them who can donate organs and tissues in which condition.-

Who can donate body criteria for body donation-

Explained them about what is corneal donation and in which condition you can donate cornea.

It was an interactive session all the participants contributed well. Distributed the MF pamphlet, Bodydonation pledge forms to everyone. Total 22 members were present for this session. All the members collected the pledge forms.We would like to thank Mr Sanjay Lade who invited us for the session.


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