Organ donation awareness at Tardeo RTO on the occasion of Road Safety Week

Ms Jaya Jairam of MOHAN Foundation was invited by RTO Inspector Mr Akash Mirajkar on Feb 7, 2024, for conducting an awareness talk at the Tardeo RTO on Organ donation, on the occasion of Celebration of Road Safety Week.

Ms Jaya Jairam addressed an audience of around 50 staff and general public who were visiting the RTO seeking new licenses and renewals.

She spoke about the importance and the power of organ donation and how each and every citizen of India could be an organ or tissue donor. She shared information on brain death and cardiac death, what can be donated in each case. She stressed on the need for Road Safety, and that accidents and trauma to the head is one of major causes of brain death. She encouraged the audience to be a hero by pledging their organs by opting for organ donation on their licenses, and discussing their organ donation wishes with their loved ones. She also spoke about how the audience could also pledge by visiting MOHAN Foundation's website.

MOHAN Foundation appreciates Mr Mirajkar and Tardeo RTO for undertaking the awareness initiative and encourages them to continue their support to organ donation.


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