Publicity of helpline number at Navjeevan camp, Govindpuri, Delhi

On December 28, 2023, the MOHAN Foundation NCR team, along with Mr. Sanchit Arora, MOHAN Foundation Ambassador, promoted the MOHAN Foundation’s helpline number and sensitised the local public of Navjeevan camp, Govindpuri, about organ donation and its importance.


The MOHAN Foundation NCR team is visiting this locality a second time, but in another block, for the publicity of the helpline number. An earlier team visited this locality on December 1, 2023.


The MOHAN Foundation team, along with the MOHAN Foundation ambassador, promoted the helpline number by sensitising people in the community and pasting posters on the autorickshaws.


Mr. Sanchit sensitised the community in depth about eye donation:


  • Eye donation is a small procedure lasting 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Eye sockets are not fully retrieved; instead, only corneas are retrieved.
  • After the death of the person within 6 hours, eye banks have to be contacted for the retrieval process.
  • Eyelids have to be kept closed after the death of the person.


One woman in the community also shared her personal experience, where a youth, when he was alive, pledged to donate his eyes. After his death due to a road accident, his family honoured their son’s will and donated his eyes.


Many people themselves asked about the poster and the helpline number.


Close to 60 participants were sensitised.


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