Awareness session on Organ Donation for the staffs of Vashi Fire station, Navi Mumbai

On 23rdDecember 2023, MOHAN Foundation conducted a sensitization programme on Organ Donation for the staff of Vashi Fire station, Navi Mumbai. Mr. Arun Ram Krishan Bhoyar Division Officer of Vashi Fire Station requested MOHAN Foundation to conduct an awareness session on organ donation for the staff. Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi began her session by explaining MOHAN Foundation and its activities. She discussed the following topics on organ donation.

1. What is organ and tissue donation

2. Types of Death- Brain death and Circulatory death

3. How does State Authorization Committee allocate organs?

4. Eye and skin donation can be even done at home.

5. Importance of donor card.

MOHAN Foundation helpline number was introduced to the audience. After the session, participants asked the below questions-

1. What is the process of brain steam death certification?

2. Can unclaimed bodies be used for study and research purpose? 

The session was interactive and informative. 15 members participated in this session. We would like to thanks Mr. Arun Ram Krishan Bhoyar for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation


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