Organ Donation Awareness Session conducted at Perfect Fitness Centre, Ajivali in Navi Mumbai

On 26th December 2023, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on Organ Donation for members of Perfect Fitness Centre in Ajivali, Navi Mumbai. Mr. Mayur Waghmare (Organizer) requested MOHAN Foundation to conducts awareness session on organ donation for membersof fitness centre. Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi began session by introducing MOHAN Foundationto the participants and briefly explained about eye donation. The following topics were explained in detail to the audience

1.  Organ failure and causes

2.  Circulatory and brain death

3.  Difference between brain death and coma

4.  Types of donors

5.  Organ and tissue donation while living and after death

6. Hand transplants

7. Age criteria to donate organs

8. Importance of family consent in organ donation process

9. Transplant waitlist

10. Transplantation of Human Organs Act

11. Organ Donation Statistics of Maharashtra and India.

12. Myths and misconceptions around organ donation

13. Whole body donation

 14. How to pledge organs ?

The session lasted for more than one hour and was highly interactive. About 25 people had joined the session and were very enthusiastic about learning more about organ donation. The following are a few questions that were asked

 How is Hand donation done?

 Procedure of organ allocation?

 How is donated Hand used?

 Can diabetic people donate their organs?

MOHAN Foundation would like to thank Mr. Mayur Waghmare for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.


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