Awareness session on organ donation in Dialysis Department of Apollo Hospital


MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on organ donation to the
staff of Dialysis Department, Apollo Hospital on 11th October 2023. This session was
organized by Dr Prashant Birari In charge of Dialysis Department
Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi was the speaker for the day. She began her PPT
presentation by introducing herself and MOHAN Foundation and its activities.
Thereafter, she discussed the below topics about organ donation
 1, Concept of organ and tissue donation and its types
 2. Process of organ donation and transplantation
 3. Myths and Facts about organ donation
 4. ZTCC role in Donation
 5. A video on brain stem death was displayed to the audience and the concept of
brain stem death was explained in a simpler   manner.
 6. MOHAN Foundation’s helpline was shared with the audience
The session was interactive and informative. Ms. Prarthana answered all the queries
promptly. Close to 12 members pledged their organs. Around 25 Doctors and
Nursing staff were present in the session. The participants expressed their heartfelt
appreciation to MOHAN Foundation for their noble work on organ donation.
Questions asked by the audience were as follows:
1. What is the process of Hand donation?
2. What is the age limit to donate skin?
3. How to enrol for Waiting list?
We would like to thank Dr Prashant Birari for inviting us and supporting the cause of
organ donation.

MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on organ donation to the staff of Dialysis Department, Apollo Hospital on 11th October 2023. This session was organized by Dr Prashant Birari, In charge of Dialysis Department Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi was the speaker for the day. She began her PPTpresentation by introducing herself and MOHAN Foundation and its activities.

Thereafter, she discussed the below topics about organ donation

 1, Concept of organ and tissue donation and its types

 2. Process of organ donation and transplantation

 3. Myths and Facts about organ donation

 4. ZTCC role in Donation

 5. A video on brain stem death was displayed to the audience and the concept of

brain stem death was explained in a simpler   manner.

 6. MOHAN Foundation’s helpline was shared with the audience

The session was interactive and informative. Ms. Prarthana answered all the queries promptly. Close to 12 members pledged their organs. Around 25 Doctors and Nursing staff were present in the session. The participants expressed their heartfelt appreciation to MOHAN Foundation for their noble work on organ donation.

 Questions asked by the audience were as follows:

1. What is the process of Hand donation?

2. What is the age limit to donate skin?

3. How to enrol for Waiting list?

We would like to thank Dr Prashant Birari for inviting us and supporting the cause of organ donation.



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