ZTCC Pune donor felicitation on Naman Divas on 15th September

On 15th September 2023, ZTCC Pune had felicitated donor families on the occasion of Naman Divas. The donors who had donated their valuable organs for the cause of society in 2022 were felicitated

The donor Mr Swapnil Kedari, ,24 y old male, died because of road traffic accident and head injury was declared brain dead on 10th December in 2022. Transplant coordinator of MOHAN foundation, Mr Jagdish Borude, counseled the relatives of the donor and consent obtained for liver and kidneys. Organs were retrieved successfully and allocated to private hospital.The family members of the donor were felicitated by Veteran actor Mr Mohan Joshi. Dr Huprikar, Chairman, ZTCC Pune gave vote of thanks.


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