Carnival Group invites MOHAN Foundation for an Awareness Talk on Organ Donation

On August 3, 2023, India's 13th National Organ Donation Day, M/s. Carnival Group invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct an awareness session for its employees.


Ms. Jaya Jairam, Project Director - MOHAN foundation Foundation Mumbai conducted the awareness talk. She spoke about the importance of organ donation and discussed the concepts involved. She also addressed the various myths prevalent in the minds of the public, which held them back from taking the decision to pledge to donate their organs after death. She shared her own story of the trauma that she and her family had to go through when detected with end stage kidney failure, and how she was saved by her mother who donated her kidney to her. She went on to play MOHAN Foundation's 'Celebrating Life' short film that showcased recipients leading a normal, healthy life post transplant. This was followed by Q&A.


A few of the questions asked included -

  • Is the body handed over back to the families after organ donation?
  • Does retinal surgery prevent one from pledging their eyes?
  • Can families get to know who has received the organs?

Their Director, Ms. Vaishali appreciated the session and encouraged everyone to support the cause. Around 60 employees attended the session and more than 15 of them picked up donor cards while a few others preferred to sign up online.


MOHAN Foundation thanks Carnival Group for taking up such an initiative aimed at increasing the level of awareness amongst its employees.


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