MOHAN Foundation invited to conduct a talk on Organ Donation at the Rotary Club of Mapusa, Goa

On August 11, 2023, Mr. Gabriel from the MOHAN Foundation conducted an organ donation awareness talk at the monthly meeting of the Rotary Club of Mapusa held at Mapusa Residency, Mapusa, Goa.


Mr. Gabriel began the session by presenting "Live Beyond Life," a brief, animated presentation on organ donation. Then, he interacted with club members, showed a PowerPoint presentation about organ donation, explained the process of organ donation and the law, explained when a death occurs due to cardiac arrest or if a person dies at home, which tissues can be donated, and only when a brain death is declared can eight organs be donated, which the club members were pleased to learn. He also mentioned that there were 43 patients on the waiting list for kidney transplants, as only kidney and corneal transplants are performed in Goa at the present time.


Gabriel also asked the Rotarians to petition the government to establish an eye bank in Goa, as the Rotary Club of Panjim once managed one.


In addition, he described how individuals can resolve to donate organs by scanning the QR code and obtaining a donor card at the event.


Mr. Gabriel distributed approximately 24 pamphlets and pledge cards about the MOHAN Foundation so that the members could post them in their offices. He thanked Mr. Sachin Mense, the club president, Mr. Sumukh Kulkarni, the club secretary, and all the club members for allowing MOHAN Foundation to deliver this awareness talk.


Close to 30 club members attended the talk.



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