Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Primary Health Center (PHC), Dighal, District Jhajjar

On July 20, 2023, SOTTO Haryana and MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness session on Organ Donation at the Primary Health Centre (PHC), Dighal, District Jhajjar.


Dr. Sabina (Resident Medical Officer) welcomed the MOHAN Foundation and SOTTO team and introduced them to staff members present there, including the nursing officer, Laboratory technician, and other supportive staff members.


Ms. Renu Kumari, Project Leader, MOHAN Foundation, presented the following points in detail about organ donation to the employees:


1. What is organ donation?

2. Who can be an organ donor?

3. What is the significance of organ donation?

4. What is brain death?

5. Myths and facts about organ donation

6. Organ transplant waiting list in India

7. What is the role of NOTTO, ROTTO, and SOTTO in organ donation?


Ms. Deepti Kumari, Transplant Coordinator, SOTTO Haryana, explained how one can pledge to donate organs by filling out Form 7 for Organ and Tissue Pledge.


Close to 50 participants attended the session, and seven of them pledged to donate their organs after death.



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