MOHAN Foundation invited to give an awareness talk on organ donation at Kate Hospital, Mangal Murti Square, Nagpur |
On 29th May 2023. MOHAN Foundation was invited by Dr. Vijay Agrawal director of Kate Hospital, to give a talk on organ donation for his Hospital staff. Mr. Bulu Behera transplant coordinator at MOHAN Foundation was invited to give information about organ donation, in his talk, he gave information which is given below. Mr. Bulu gave the following information to the participants:
It was an interactive session and the participants asked the following questions:
In the end, Bulu requested all the participants to use the Foundation's website and helpline number for any information on organ donation or for online pledging of organs. About 10 staff nurses were present and 3 signed up for organ donation. MOHAN Foundation thanks Dr. Vijay Agrawal for supporting the noble cause of organ donation.