State Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO), Haryana, celebrates “Naman Diwas” in collaboration with MOHAN Foundation

The State Organ & Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO), Haryana, in collaboration with the MOHAN Foundation, celebrated "NAMAN DIWAS" on April 15, 2023 at Pt. B. D. Sharma Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS), Rohtak. The event was organized to honour all the organ, tissue, and body donor families as 'REAL Heroes' for their extraordinary act of courage and to serve as a model for others to emulate and promote organ donation.


The event began with a two-minute silence in honour of all the organ donors. This was followed by a welcome address by Ms. Renu Kumari, Project Leader, MOHAN Foundation, to all the dignitaries and the organ donor families who came from across the state of Haryana from different districts to attend the event. In her welcome speech, she also introduced SOTTO and its objectives and functions.


The guest of honour, Dr. Kuldeep Singh Laller, Dean, PGIMS, said in his address to the audience that one person can save eight lives through organ donation. Dr. Ishwar Singh, Medical Superintendent, Pt B. D. Sharma PGIMS, Rohtak, said that the Haryana Government was promoting organ donation on a large scale, and now was the right time to take it a step further and play a more active role in deceased organ donation, just like blood donation.


The Chief Guest, Dr. H. K. Aggarwal, Registrar, Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences, said that it was a matter of great pride to honor the posthumous organ donation family. The decision taken by the government to honor these families who donated the organs of their family members on Naman Diwas was commendable. Through social media and IEC activities organised by SOTTO, Haryana and MOHAN Foundation, people were becoming aware of organ donation. Very soon, the state of Haryana will play a leading role in the field of organ donation, just like blood donation.


In the end, Dr H.K. Aggarwal and the other dignitaries felicitated the guests with shawls and mementos. Dr. Sukhbir Singh, Nodal Officer, SOTTO, Haryana, gave the vote of thanks.


Close to 57 donor families attended the event.



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