MOHAN Foundation organized a workshop on the Role of Police in Medico-Legal cases in Organ Donation at Manipur Police Training Academy (MPTC), Pangei, Imphal-Manipur

On December 8, 2022, MOHAN Foundation organized a workshop on the Role of Police in Medico-Legal Cases (MLC) in organ donation at Manipur Police Training Academy (MPTC), Pangei, Imphal. The training was attended by Inspector General of Police (IGP), Assistant Director of MPTC, Inspectors, Sub-Inspectors (SI) and Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) from various police stations from the 16 districts of Superintendent of Police, Manipur.


The aim of the workshop was to make the police personnel understand the concept of organ donation, their role in MLC and the process of organ donation in such cases. Ms. Pallavi Kumar (Executive Director) was the resource person. She was accompanied by Ms. Laishram Monica Devi (Programme Officer) and Ms. Thoidingjam Udayini Khuma (Transplant Coordinator) from MOHAN Foundation Imphal. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Rashini Yengkhom, MPS, Assistant Director, MPTC, Pangei.


The programme began with a welcome address and an introduction of MOHAN Foundation, its objectives and visions by Ms. Udayini. Ms. Pallavi felicitated Ms. R. K. Tutusana, IPS, IGP, Director- MPTC, Pangei and Dr. Palin Khundongbam, Chairman cum Managing Director, Shija Hospital and Research Institute Pvt. Ltd., Langol (SHRI) with a certificate of appreciation for their support in facilitating the workshop.


Thereafter, Ms. Tutusana emphasised on the role of police and how police can serve the citizens with more compassion. She said, “every life is important whether it is a rich or poor man. This is a great cause and the service that we put will be remembered forever by those whose lives will be saved.” She thanked Ms. Pallavi for reaching out to a state like Manipur, which needed support to uplift the system.


Dr. Palin then addressed the gathering, stressing on the importance of organ donation and how it can save multiple lives. He said, “Why burn or bury precious organs when they can be donated to save human lives”. Dr. Palin also explained the current scenario and status of organ transplant in the context of India and Manipur. He explained Brain death and how it is different from cardiac death and the process of organ donation in case of brain death.


Ms. Pallavi Kumar made a detailed presentation to highlight the role police plays in deceased organ donation. Her presentation covered the following points:  

  • Concept and types of Organ Donation - Living and Deceased Donation
  • Laws & rules governing death in India
  • Difference between circulatory and brain death
  • Section 6 of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994
  • Organ Donation in MLC
  • Role of police in deceased organ donation
  • Duties of the investigating officer in an MLC.
  • Formalities and Forms for receiving family consent for organ donation
  • Post organ retrieval process


Post the presentation, Ms. Laishram Monica briefed those present on how one can pledge to be an organ donor. Pamphlets in Manipuri language was explained.


The participants were interactive during the workshop and asked many questions. Some of the queries raised were: 

  • How long the organs be preserved after brain death?
  • Can organs be stored after harvesting?
  • How long can a patient stay on a ventilator once he is declared brain-dead? 
  • How to clear the stigmas related to religion and culture? 


After the workshop, posters on “Organ Donation Process in Medico-Legal Cases” and FAQs on organ donation were also distributed so that each police station could have access to this information.


Close to 100 police personnel attended the training and supported the cause of organ donation. The participants shared that the posters will make them easy to understand in the process. Ms. Tutusana also assured the Foundation for complete support by the police in all such cases of organ donation in the future.


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