Organ Donation awareness stall during Cricket Match at Ekata Mata Cricket Ground, Nagpur

On 8th December 2022, Mr. Sachin Lonkar invited Mr.Bulu Behera to put up an organ donation  information desk at Ekata Mata Nagar Cricket Ground. Mr. Lonkar was the chief organizer of this cricket match and programme.

Mr. Bulu Behera manned the stall with help of donor cards, standee, flyers, pledge forms and gave information to visitors about the below topics:

  • What is organ donation?
  • Who requires an organ transplant?
  • Types of death? Brain death and Circulatory death
  • Which are the organs and tissues that can be donated after Brain Death?
  • Body Donation and its procedure?
  • Myths and facts about organ donation were explained.


Questions asked by the participants were as follows:

  • After death, whom to contact for organ donation?
  •  Eye donation process?
  • What is Bone marrow transplant, who requires it?


Approximately 140 players were present for this event.


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