MOHAN Foundation Invited to conduct an Interactive Session on Organ Donation at Race dynamics, Bengaluru

On 16th November, 2022, Mr. Praveen invited MOHAN Foundation to conduct awareness for the staff members of Race dynamics company Bengaluru. MOHAN Foundation was represented by Mr. Marulappa LN (Transplant Coordinator) and Mrs. Ranjini Shankar M S (Project Manager - Bengaluru).

Mrs. Ranjini Shankar MS initiated the session and by introducing MOHAN foundation kept the audience engaged throughout the session. The following concepts were discussed in detail:

  • Importance and need for donation,
  • Eligibility for Organ Donation
  • Concepts of brain stem death and circulatory death
  • Common myths that prevalent in the society
  • Jeevasarthakathe and  its functions
  • The importance of a donor card.

The audience were very interactive and posed several questions. To name a few

Discussion with the audience:

  • Do they have to pay for the organs?
  • Whether the donor’s hospital charges will be taken care by recipient’s family?
  • Is it compulsory for donor family consent for organ donation though they have registered for organ donation?

Close to 45 members attended the session and all the members pledge for organ donation.


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