Organ Donation talk conducted for Cricket team of Jaitala, Nagpur

On 18th September 2022, Mr. Sameer Pathak, chief organizer of Jaitala’s cricket team invited Mr. Bulu Behera to give information about organ donation for the cricket players. Mr. Bulu introduced MOHAN Foundation and its activities and discussed the following topics about organ donation:

  1. What is organ donation?
  2. Who requires an organ transplant?
  3. Types of death? Brain death and Circulatory death
  4. Which are the organs and tissues that can be donated after brain death?
  5. A video on the concept of brain death was shown and explained to the participants.
  6. Myths and facts about organ donation was explained.


The following were the questions asked by the participants:

  • What is the age limit for organ donation?
  • Whom to contact for organ donation?


Close to 150 players participated in the session. We thank the organizer for inviting us and supporting the cause of organ donation.



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