Organ Donation awareness program conducted for Team members of JCI Platinum at Zero mile, Nagpur

On 26th January 2022, on account of Republic Day, MOHAN Foundation in association with Transplants – Help The Poor Foundation conducted an awareness session on organ donation for general public and team members of JCI Platinum, Nagpur.

The programme began by hoisting the national flag. Ms. Prarthana was invited to hoist the national flag, national anthem was sung after the flag hosting. Mr. Prarthana was the expert from MOHAN Foundation, who conducted the session.

Ms Prarthana introduced MOHAN Foundation and Transplants – Help The Poor Foundation along with its activities.

She then explained the below concepts of Organ Donation

  1. Why and when transplantation is required?
  2. Which are the organs that can be donated after brain death and circulatory death?
  3. THO Act was explained to the audience.
  4. Myths and Facts about organ donation.
  5. Procedure of eye, skin and body donation.


Questions asked by the participants were as follows:

  1. Why tissue donation is necessary?
  2. In suicide case (MLC), can we donate their organs?


Ms. Prarthana answered all the questions. 88 members from JCI Platinum team participated in the event. We thank Mr. Hirankhede (Former President of JCI, Nagpur) for inviting us to conduct awareness session on organ donation and for supporting the cause of organ donation.


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