Organ Donation Awareness for Dental Students of SRMDC by Ambassador Rachel Chacko

MOHAN Foundation, in collaboration with Stella Maris College and the Department of Public Health Dentistry of SRM Dental College (SRMDC), Ramapuram Campus conducted an organ donation awareness program. Dr. Rachel Chacko, an alumna of SRMDC, Social Work Student of Stella Maris College, and Intern and Ambassador of MOHAN Foundation organized the event. Dr. D. Prabhu, the Head of Department and Dr. Raj Mohan, Professor of the of Public Health Dentistry, helped in the planning of this program. Ms. Bridgit S, a fellow intern was Dr. Chacko’s co-speaker for the event held on 20th November 2021 at the dental college campus.

Ms. Bridgit introduced the topic of organ donation and spoke about the following:

  • History of Organ Donation and Transplantation – worldwide, India and Tamil Nadu
  • Concepts of organ donation
  • Brain Stem Death vs. coma
  • Donation after cardiac death
  • Organs and tissues that can be donated
  • Ischemic time for organ retrieval
  • Donation statistics
  • Myths related to organ donation

Dr. Rachel Chacko then explained about body donation, the procedures and criteria involved in the process. The attendees being students of a Dental School, were able to understand how body donation helps in procuring cadavers for the Anatomy departments of medical institutes, used for developing and practising various skills, in workshops and for learning. The myths and misconceptions surrounding body donation was also clarified and the attendees were quite receptive.

Following the talks the attendees had questions and interacted with the speakers. The most commonly asked question from this particular group was why familial consent was required for organ or body donation. A couple of them were also keen in registering and signed up to pledge their organs immediately. The attendees who had only heard about organ donation, but never really knew the science and the procedure behind it, were impressed by the session.

The session lasted for approximately an hour and around 40 people including the PGs, Final year Dental Undergraduates and Faculty from the Department of Public Health Dentistry were present. The Institution as well as the Department appreciated the event and were eager to promote awareness about the cause.


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