Students and Faculty of Premvati College of Nursing & Paramedical, Jabalpur sensitized about Organ Donation

On 3rd September 2021, MOHAN Foundation, in association with Transplants – Help the Poor Foundation, conducted an awareness session on organ donation at Premvati College of Nursing & Paramedical, Jabalpur.

It was conducted by Ms. Prarthana Dwivedi (Transplant Coordinator). She introduced MOHAN Foundation as a NGO working passionately to promote deceased organ donation since many years and the activities of the Foundation.

She explained the difference between cardiac death and brain death in-depth. She then elaborated on the organs and tissues that can be donated in both cases. She also introduced to the audience, new advances like hand transplantation. She explained about tissue donation (skin, eyes and bones). She then emphasised the importance of organ donation using examples of successful transplant stories, articles and news about green corridor which was very familiar to the participants.

She then listed a few myths around organ donation that families of most deceased donors have and debunked them by explaining the relevant facts. She also described the importance of discussing organ donation within the family and importance of carrying the donor card at all times.

Around 200 teachers and Nursing students attended the session and 65 pledged their organs.  We thank Mr. Prabhat.Barman for supporting the cause of Organ Donation.


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