MOHAN Foundation invited to conduct an Online Awareness Session on Organ Donation for the Volunteers of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

On September 21, 2021, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an online awareness session on organ donation which was organized as part of Tata Volunteers Week 16 by Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai CSR.  The awareness workshop was organized for the Tata volunteers PAN India and was titled “Organ Donation and Bursting the Myths around Organ Donation”. Ms. Jaya Jairam, Project Director, MOHAN Foundation-Mumbai coordinated the session and Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi, Programme Manager, MOHAN Foundation-Delhi NCR was the speaker. 


Tata Consultancy Services is an Indian multinational information technology services and consulting company headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India with its largest campus located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Tata Volunteering Week is a volunteering program by Tata Sustainability Group twice in a year. Each Tata Volunteering Week (TVW) is celebrated groupwide across a four-week period, twice in a year. The key objective of this initiative is to encourage and inspire Tata volunteers (employees, their family members and retirees) to experience volunteering. TVW serves as the platform for this endeavor and has identified major focus areas as education / skill development, health awareness and environment.


At the beginning of the session, Ms. Aayushi Jauhari, Regional Lead, Corporate Social Responsibility-Tata Consultancy Services welcomed all the participants and introduced Dr. Muneet and invited her to begin the session. Before starting the session, Dr. Muneet explained the importance of organ donation and why it has become need of the hour. She then explained the basic concepts of organ donation and transplantation with the help of a simple PowerPoint presentation. During the presentation, she asked many questions to the participants to make the session more interactive and to gauge the participant’s understanding on organ donation.


To name a few: 

  • Can a person donate liver while alive? - One audience answered that we can donate a part/portion as liver has a unique quality to regenerate.
  • How do you define death? - One audience answered that a person is declared dead when his heartbeat and pulse has stopped.


The following topics were explained in detail during the presentation: 

  • Organ donation and its need
  • When and how does organ donation take place
  • Organs that can be donated during life and after death
  • Brain death
  • Difference between brain death and coma
  • Contraindications to organ donation
  • Transplant Law
  • Role of MOHAN Foundation
  • Organ donation Myths and Facts
  • Eye Donation  


The participants were interactive during the presentation and asked many questions. To name a few:

  • As volunteers, how can we support the cause of organ donation?
  • What is the procedure for organ donation when a person is declared brain dead in a hospital?
  • What is the procedure for organ donation if a person dies in a hospital that is not a registered centre for organ donation and transplantation?
  • Is donor’s information kept confidential?


Special emphasis was stressed on eye donation. The participants were explained that eye donation is a simple procedure which can be even done at home.


Dr. Muneet also informed the audience about MOHAN Foundation’s Gift of Life-One Day Certificate Course on organ donation. She encouraged them to sign up for this course so that they can become ambassadors of organ donation. 


At the end, Ms. Aayushi gave the vote of thanks. She said the session was very fruitful. She said she would send Dr. Muneet’s simple and very informative PowerPoint presentation and the link for brain death movie to all Tata volunteers to increase their understanding of organ donation.


Feedback from the audience:

  • Thanks for the insightful session.
  • The session was very informative. 


Close to 10 participants attended the session. 


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