MOHAN Foundation Organises Awareness Session for Police Officers of Madiwala Station, Bengaluru

Mrs. Ranjini Shankar, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation, Bengaluru, had a discussion with Mr. Srinath Mahadev Joshi IPS, DCP, Southeast Wing Division on improving the awareness around organ donation among police officers of the city.
Mr. Joshi immediately agreed to support the cause and gave an immediate positive response by giving the approval to conduct an awareness session at the police station of Southeast Division in Bengaluru.

Mrs. Ranjini then approached Mr. Sunil, Inspector, Madiwala Police Station to conduct an awareness session on organ donation for its officers. Permission was granted to conduct a session in the afternoon of 18th July 2021.

Mrs. Ranjini began the session by introducing MOHAN Foundation and its activities. Concepts of brain stem death and circulatory death, importance and need for organ donation, when and who can be donors were explained next. A few common myths that prevailed in the minds of the public that held them back from organ donation were discussed.

She also shared a recent organ donation case from Dharwad in which organ donation was facilitated by MOHAN Foundation's team and the organs were transported via a green corridor. The role of Jeevasarthakathe, transplant law and the importance of a donor card were highlighted as well.

Close to 28 members attended the session, and the following questions were raised:

  • Age criteria for being a donor
  • What is a Green Corridor?
  • Does the donor family have to bear the hospital charges?
  • Do the recipients have to pay for the organs?
  • Is there any priority given to patients in the waiting list?
  • Difference between tissue and organ donation

10 police personnel pledged their organs and showed their support for the lifesaving cause of organ donation.


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